Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hyoungsub Kim_ ARCH653_2014 Spring_Project 02

“Enhanced Parametric Modeling with Dynamo in Revit”

1.     Introduction

 To develop more complicated parametric modeling, Dynamo which is a visual programming language for parametric modeling was developed. As a case study of its application, this project demonstrates how BIM model can be developed using a visual programing. Al Bahar Towers is the new headquarters of the Board of Investment of Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi Investment Council) designed by Aedas. The innovated façade system allows the building to create flexible movement based on the Sun’s movement. To develop this system in Revit, the incidence angle is applied to guide the size of openings.

 2. Limitation of previous work.

Although parametric relationship of geometry was developed using Revit, just one parameter was used to control the size of openings. This means that the facade could not have different shapes and size of opening. Or, it is necessary to put the parameter manually. Thus, the goal of this project is to develop a parametric relationship between opening size and the incidence angle on the surfaces.

3. Solar Angles

Incident angle is the angle between the beam radiation and a normal to the surface. This can be a guideline to decide the opening size of the façade. To calculate the incidence angle, information about the movement of the Sun is required. This enables designers to decide the annual shape of façade.

4. Dynamo_A Visual Programming Language for Parametric Modelling


5. Case Study

Opening Size Example 1 


Opening Size Example 2 (focusing on specific latitude and month)

6. Future work

To achieve precise results, more detailed range of incidence angle needs to be developed. Additional variables such as solar radiation, daylight and view analysis should be considered.  

7. References

[3] CTBUH 11th Annual Awards - Oborn & Chipchase, “Al Bahar: Innovating the Intelligent Skin”
[4] Cooling buildings in Abu Dhabi’s heat -- CNN,
[5] Solar Engineering of Thermal Process, John A. Duffie, William A. Beckman, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Fourth Edition, 2013.


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